Playground Equipment for Daycares
Parents depend on daycare and childcare centers to offer their kids care, supervision, entertainment and enrichment. That’s why it’s important to provide children with not only support, but plenty of amusement that will keep their brains and bodies active. One of the best ways to entertain kids? Childcare playground equipment!
These daycare playsets are the ideal way to engage children in active, imaginative play. They’re great for promoting physical and mental development, channeling the energy of little ones into productive play, and even attracting young families to your business.
Why Choose Wooden Playground Equipment for Your Daycare?
Wood construction for daycare playground equipment is much stronger than plastic and more attractive than metal (plus, no concerns about burning little hands!) Rainbow Play uses 100% natural big beam cedar construction, which has a beautiful, natural look while providing outstanding strength and durability.
Unlike other playground materials, cedar won’t rust or crack when exposed to the elements. Cedar is highly resistant to rot and splintering and stays cooler than metal on hot summer days. This allows Rainbow playground equipment to last for decades of enjoyment — with minimal maintenance.
Rainbow Play’s Collection of Wooden Playground Equipment for Daycares
Rainbow’s line of commercial playground equipment, Rainbow Play Village, offers a unique modular design to make customization a breeze. Choose the exact size and features you need for your childcare center — from different layouts to fun accessories like slides, bridges, climbing walls, picnic tables and more!