Backyard Monkey Bars for Swing Sets
Super Duty Swing Sets with Monkey Bars
Kids can improve their dexterity and strength hanging around on the Rainbow Play System Monkey Bars! Rainbow’s Exclusive Super Duty Backyard Monkey Bars are available in many sizes with many exciting variations. Featuring timber construction for the support and top ladders, it’s safe for both climbing and standing. Extra wide steps on the support ladders and the notched wooden brackets make for an ultra-stable design. All monkey bars for our playsets have easy to grab top ladder rungs which are either powder coated or plastisol dipped for improved grip. These sturdy monkey bars for swing sets can accommodate a Mighty Rainbow Penthouse on the top for extra fun!
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Our Backyard Monkey Bars are Engineered with Safety in Mind!

Add Monkey Bars to Your Swing Set for Kids Who Like to Climb!